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The shows that have made us who we are.

Soft Click of a Switch

by Carter W. Lewis


September 2013

at West of Lenin


Directed by Peggy Gannon


Cast of Characters (in order of appearance)

Ed....................................................... Brandon Ryan

Earl................................................... Mark Fullerton


Design & Production Team  (alphabetically)

Stage Manager................................... Sarah Bixler

Asst Stage Manager..... Jessamyn Iino-Bateman

Scenic Design..................................... Suzi Tucker

Lighting Design............................... Terra Morgan

Props Design.................................. Jodi Sauerbier

Costume Design............................ Julia Evanovich

Sound & Poster Design.................. Shane Regan

Marketing/PR & Podcast Curator .......................................................... Cole Hornaday

Social Media & Photo Mural........ Rachel Delmar

Embedded Journalist........................ Jose Amador


For reviews and other additional information, click here.

Three Screams

by Vincent Delaney


February/March 2011

at Theatre Off Jackson


Directed by Mary Machala


Cast of Characters  (in order of appearance)

Edvard, an accountant.................... Michael Oaks

Tulla, a housewife................................... Erin Ison

Gunnar, their son........................... Brandon Ryan


Design & Production Team  (alphabetically)

Lighting Designer............................ Dave Baldwin

Costume Designer........................ Julia Evanovich

Production Manager...................... Peggy Gannon

Props & Poster Designer........... Cole Hornaday

Assistant Director............................... Mike Jones

Stage Manager.............................. Amy “Red” Law

Scenic Designer.......................... Michael Mowery

Sound Designer & Prod. Photographer ............................................................ Shane Regan

Board Op.................................. David Turnipseed


Contributing Visual Artists

Arlon Rosenoff

Catherine Dickson-Schaffer

Moll Frothingham


For reviews and other additional information, click here.

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